Selamat Datang


Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Contoh Cerpen Bahasa Inggris

Monster city…, do you ever hear it ??????. Monster city is the place of many monster live. In the monster city many monsters live with happy and peacefull. But between it , has bad monster  and there are called monsters terorism. In the morning suddenly audible sound “DUAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” from monster city.  What is it ??????????????????????? Apparently it sound of bomb, it bomb from monster terorism . And monster city has shatter , but the monsters of monster city has safe. Why can safe ?????????? Because before the incident happen, the president of monster city has letter from monster terorism and has contains :
 “to : president of monster city
       We are has progam to attack your city, so I ask for you and other monster in  monster city to leave from monsters city quickly. If you and the other monsters not leave we are will bomb the monster city.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                From : monster terorism “
After read it the president of monster city has anticipant , and finally all of monsters in monster city has safe.
          After the incident, the president of monster city search five monsters to become the monster city protector. Many monsters participant , so the president test one by one . in the test, president ask the monsters to run, jump, and climb. In the fist is run, president ask the monster to run for distance 1 km and has time 5 minute. In this practice just little monsters has fail. And the second is jump, president ask the monsters to jump for heigh 2 m. Many monsters has fail, because can’t jump for 2 m. and the last is climb, in the practice just strong monster can succeed. Because the president ask to ……………climb the pencil tree. Do you know pencil tree??????????//. Pencil tree is like  coconut tree but it hasn’t fruit and leaf it just has stalk and the high is till 500 m. After that just left over five monsters, and this is : Buby, Duby, Kuby, Luby and Ruby. And president choose them to become the monster city protector.
          After the monster terorisms  hear that. They make program to attack monter city again. In the afternoon monster terorism return, and will install bomb again but , someone has restrain “ STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!” who saying it ??????? Apparently it is the monster city protector. “ who’s you ???????? o,, you are monster city protector right???????” monster terorism saying, “ yes !! we are monster city protector !!!!!”. Suddenly monster  terorism has attack them but they can avoid and attack the monster terorism. After that monster terorism calling the other monsters in monster terorism office to help it. The other monster terorism come, and say “ you can’t win against monster terorism .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.” . “ I am optimist ,,,, because who’s have good purpose they are will win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. We not afraid with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. reply monster city protector.

          After they chat , happen a big battle . The position has change, sometimes monster terorism has excellent and sometimes monster city protector has excellent. The battle go on long time., almost one day. Many monster terorism has lose , remaining several monster. Finally the monster city protector has united and with full energy kill monster terorism and they are win in this battle. After that the monsters in monsters city has happy because the monster city terorism win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’’’’. They increase happy because the monster city protector get appreciation from president and become heroes in the monster city….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck monter city J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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